Salli Martyniak

President, Forward Community Investments (FCI)

Salli Martyniak

With a background in finance and an unwavering passion for social change, Salli Martyniak, together with staff, has had the pleasure of seeing Forward Community Investments (FCI) reach record levels of growth. Salli was born in Detroit, where she thrived on the diversity of the city. “Driving through town meant traveling from one culture to another to another,” she remembers. “Each neighborhood was wonderfully alive with its own language, religion, and traditions.”

After receiving a business degree from the University of Wisconsin, Salli served in various management roles with the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, US Bank, Associated Bank, and the QTI Group. She became the executive director of FCI in 2003, when it was still known as The Dane Fund. Under her direction, FCI has expanded the scope of its services to include providing vital technical assistance and financial management advice to nonprofits through workshops and seminars across the state. Salli supports a friendly workplace environment, complete with dogs – which is why her dog, Marley, can often be found in her office. Salli appreciates the challenge of working with nonprofits in every corner of the state. As the only Wisconsin-based loan fund dedicated to working with nonprofits, it means that FCI has a challenge and corresponding opportunity to reach 16,000+ nonprofits in Wisconsin.


The Nonprofit Economic Outlook: In Review

The Nonprofit Economic Outlook: In Review

Forward Community Investments' annual report back on the Wisconsin nonprofit sector. This quick overview will introduce you to the trends in the economic condition of nonprofits and explores the efforts undertaken to respond to those trends.