Crafting Your Story

Eric Oakland
Crafting Your Story

Telling the compelling story of your organization is key to engaging the community, demonstrating the need that your organization addresses, and the value that you bring. During this session, participants will develop a concise, visual way of telling their stories - like an elevator pitch only way more interesting. Eric Oakland, co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer for TruScribe, will walk workshop participants through a new way to visually share their story.

Prerequisite or Takeaways
 Telling a concise and compelling story of your organization is key to engaging volunteers, donors, staff, and collaborators, not to mention clients who rely on your services. But too many people either struggle to easily explain what their organization does or feel like the way they share their story has gotten stale.

Session Type
 Engaged Content — mixing short segments of content delivery with engaging activities

Slides & Handouts

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  • Find Us on Map

    This event will be hosted at
    Monona Terrace, 1 John Nolen Drive, Madison, WI