Sarah Chevis Rogers

Director of Leadership Development at the Girl Scouts – Badgerland Council

Sarah has been involved in volunteer recruitment, retention, and support for over 15 years. Throughout that time, Sarah has recruited hundreds of volunteers for a variety of roles in the Girl Scout organization. In addition, she has supported other non-profits in which she has been involved. Sarah’s strengths lie in her ability to engage volunteers and build relationships as she works with individuals to find the most rewarding role based on their skills and interests. Sarah believes relationship building is key to volunteer success and creating a positive experience.

Most recently in her volunteer management role at Girl Scouts, Sarah has helped build resources and training that have increased retention not only in troop volunteers but also in the girls and families that they lead. This increase gave Girl Scouts the ability to give more girls and adults the opportunity to develop their leadership skills to their fullest potential.

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Girl Scouts - WI Badgerland

Girl Scouts of Wisconsin – Badgerland serves over 9,000 girls and 3,500 adults in south-central and southwest Wisconsin. At Girl Scouts, girls discover who they are, where their talents lie, and what they care most about – all in a safe, no-limits place designed to unleash their full potential. Girl Scouts teaches girls to empower themselves by engaging in collaborative, hands-on, girl-led experiences guided by supportive adults helping them pursue their goals. Find out how you can be a part of this experience at