
Dona Campos

DCampos Consulting

Grant Writing Simplified

Dona Campos

Dona Campos

I’ve been working for nonprofits for over 15 years. I have a lot of energy and enthusiasm for helping others succeed through my consultancy at I am also the Development Coordinator at ArtWorks for Milwaukee, Inc. and have deep roots in Southern Wisconsin. I have worked with founders and new boards, as well as for an international virtual nonprofit with over 9 Million members. I’m invested in improving lives through data and measurable outcomes, and in using data for development to create long term, actionable funding plans. Grant writing and development are passions of mine, as are recruiting and retaining volunteers, and developing leadership. I have a healthy, yet slightly obsessive, fascination for organization, love to lose time creating a variety of visual projects, and my family and I have spent way too long rehabbing an 1886 Cream City Brick farmhouse. I look forward to one day completing it, but fostering dogs keeps prolonging projects.

With over 15 years of multifaceted experience working in the nonprofit sector, Dona brings her enthusiasm for community building to nonprofits through her consultancy at and is also the Development Coordinator for ArtWorks for Milwaukee, Inc. Dona is driven by her passion for collaboration, development, and relationships. Her background includes working with nonprofits of varying sizes at all life cycle points, in many positions from volunteer to board member. She specializes in grant writing and development, recruiting and retaining volunteers, and developing leadership. She has raised over $750,000; run a capital campaign; managed thousands of volunteers; overseen the daily operations of a 9 Million member international nonprofit; organized conferences medium and small, in person and virtually; has revamped, reorganized and revitalized organizations. Those who have worked with her know she has a template for everything and is fanatically organized. She fosters dogs with her family in her spare time, hates to garden but does it for the rewards, and tries in vain to use her vast collection of art supplies before adding new materials.

DCampos Consulting

DCampos Consulting

At DCampos Consulting, I use my experiences to work with you to make your organizational goals come to fruition. Because I have done this myself, I know what works and love to share my enthusiasm and ideas for planning, writing, and implementing strategies for partnerships and collaborations. Community building, outreach and management. Collaborative leadership building, managing and developing high-performing, long-lasting teams. Fundraising and Grant Writing with excellent organizational and time management services. Volunteer recruitment, talent, management and customer service solutions. Process improvement through training and effective delegation. Using critical thinking and strategy development to problem solve. Thoroughly researching background information by identifying and gathering appropriate resources.
